Saturday, September 20, 2008

Conner's 13 year check up...

Ok, so I take Conner to the dr. for his yearly check-up. I told him this was his "puberty" check up cuz he kept asking why he had to go. I thought this was a funny, Con did not. Any who, he had to get a shot for this one and I'm happy to say he took it like a man. (he got that from me) He is officially taller than me and isn't too far from weighing more either. He's growing up way too fast!!


Marinelli Maniacs said...

Oh, Conner looks so cute with that pretty girly wallpaper behind him!!Did he pass his physical?!?!?! haha

Anonymous said...

You are a mean MOM! Puberty check?? How embarassing for your little teenager :) I would die.